Join us in the Feather Tribe with this unique Grape Agate Necklace with Premium Beads.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Grape Agate ░≡««☼»»≡░
Grape Agate is a very rare crystal, only found in a small part of Indonesia.
Despite the name, it is not an Agate. It actually is a Botryoidal Chalcedony.
It is well-known for its unique properties of protection, focus and stability.
This makes this gemstone beneficial for deep concentration and meditation.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Size & Material ░≡««☼»»≡░
Approx 6 cm x 6 cm
Grape Agate on Silver Setting
Long Necklace: 60 cm
White Agate, Jade, Hematite