Skulls are here to remind us that every day is precious. Join the feather tribe with this powerful Raven Skull Replica Necklace in Brass, White Brass or Copper.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Raven ░≡««☼»»≡░
The Raven brings messages of transition, change and healing because of its ability to cast light into the darkness. When this happens, make sure that you are well grounded and have faith in your journey. Raven magic will guide you through.
Raven totem is also the keeper of synchronicity. He is a master of bending and folding time and space so that you are exactly in the right moment at the right time. When you see this corvid on the lamp posts and buildings watching you, you can be assured that all things are falling into place for you. Hence, make sure you play close attention to the people you meet for the next few hours. This messenger may be there to help you on your journey, provide insight, knowledge and guidance. There is also an element of reflection with this bird. Consequently, this bird is reminding you that the people around you are reflecting at you the things you most have to learn about yourself.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Size & Material ░≡««☼»»≡░
6.5 cm x 2.5 cm
Brass / White Brass / Copper
Black Suede