Join the Feather Tribe with this beautiful Hummingbird Necklace. Made from all natural Abalone shell, with beautiful iridescent rainbow patterns of blue, green and pink.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Hummingbird ░≡««☼»»≡░
Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, hummingbirds remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day. The prime message of the hummingbird animal totem is: "The sweetest nectar is within!"
The hummingbird meaning is of love and happiness. It represents the miracle of life, and all the wonderful things that make up life. The hummingbird totem encourages you to enjoy life and keep yourself light and free.
On an intuitive level, Hummingbird medicine is all about learning to be independent and being present in the moment. The hummingbird symbolism speaks about love. It’s a powerful totem of love and romance.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Abalone Shell ░≡««☼»»≡░
Abalone Shell, also known as Paua Shell, helps to stimulate psychic development and intuition while promoting the power of imagination. It has a soothing vibration that can help calm emotions during deep healing and will emotionally support the growth of Self.
Physically, Abalone can heal the body within the Chakras but resonates most with the Third Eye, Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Within Third Eye Chakra, it will stimulate psychic intuition. Within the Heart Chakra it will help to gently clear and release emotions of fear, sorrow or any other negative feelings held. Within the Solar Plexus, it will use the power of Nature to re-install the Power of Self.
Being predominantly a blue-ish/green colour and full of rainbow spectrum flecks and natural patterns. They are an absolute crowd-stopper, amazing to look at, and the energy in them feels incredible to wear.
A thing to note with the hand-carved shell items is, as incredibly beautiful as they are, they can also be very fragile! We advice to wear them with care, and treat them with utmost love.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Size ░≡««☼»»≡░
The bird pendant itself is 2.5 cms from the tip to the top and 4 cm wide. The silver chain itself is 44 cms long. Together with the pendant, the necklace hangs 25 cm down the chest. This is one of 5 Abalone bird necklaces we sell.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Materials ░≡««☼»»≡░
The pendant is hand-carved from Abalone Shell. All shells are sustainably sourced and fair traded from the clear waters of Indonesia. The filigree finish is 925 Sterling Silver, and the Hummingbird pendant comes on a 45cm sterling silver chain.
░≡««☼»»≡░ Shipping ░≡««☼»»≡░
We ship WORLDWIDE! Please be advised, shipping time can take between 2-4 weeks depending on where you live.